5G Evolution

PT Inovação participates in 4 of the 19 projects submitted by the EC in Paris

Via PT Inovacao

Aug 14, 2015

The European Commission presented nineteen projects selected for the first phase of the public-private 5G partnership (5G-PPP), during the European Conference of Networking and Communications (EUCNC) 2015 held in Paris.

PT Inovação participates in four of the presented projects, namely, Superfluidity, Sonata, Selfnet and Charisma. Check out all the selected projects.

These projects benefit from EU funding of €128 million and involve researchers from academia, industry and over 100 companies. The selected projects address a wide range of key technology challenges ranging from new radio interfaces and architectures to the flexibility of the core network based on network virtualization techniques.

In order to help Europe to define its position in the race to 5G technology, these projects will collaborate together to define the building footprints of this technology as an integrated program under the 5G-PPP. The project will bring together all the knowledge required to support the positioning of Europe in the standardization debate and definition of the spectrum, so that it takes the lead in the race to 5G.

About the projects in which PT Inovação is involved:

SUPERFLUIDITY ( A super-fluid, cloud-native, converged edge system ) - consortium coordinated by CNIT ( Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario Per Le Telecomunicazioni ).

  • Mission: addresses critical limitations in the current system, notably very long lead times and on supply, resources to devices based on hardware configuration and very rigid, highly complex due to heterogeneous access technologies, services and requirements, types traffic and respective sources, even worsened by the multiplicity of suppliers of equipment and software.

  • PT Inovação e Sistemas ' role: evolution of BSS products, OSS and network platforms towards its evolution to a virtualized architecture in Cloud. PT Inovação e Sistemas involved in the identification of test cases (use cases) and leads the WP7 (integration and validation systems).

SONATA ( Service Programing and Orchestration for Virtualized Software Networks ) - consortia led by ATOS.

  • Mission: addressing development issues, distribution and activation services and complex applications for end-users in future environments 5G networks. SONATA will address the theme of development services through new compounds service description techniques using software design patterns, test automation and other techniques considered best of breed software development, developing an SDK (development kit software) that will be placed in the public domain (open source system) to maximize the efficiency of services and application development teams.

  • PT Inovação e Sistemas ' role: product developments of NOSSIS line. PT Inovação e Sistemas lead the work package 4 (WP4 - Resource and Operations Orchestration Repositories) and will also have an important role in the work package 5 (WP5 - Integration, System Tests and Qualification) and 6 (WP6 - Infrastructure setup, Validation and Pilots).

CHARISMA ( Converged Heterogeneous Advanced 5G Cloud-RAN Architecture for Intelligent and Secure Media Access ) – international coordiantion of I2CAT.

  • Mission: development of a hierarchical intelligent routing paravirtualized architecture, able to bring together two important concepts: "devolved offload with shortest path nearest to end-users" and "end-to-end service chain security via open access virtualized physical layer security (PLS) ". The CHARISMA architecture will meet the low latency goals (<1ms) and safety that are required for future 5G networks with mobile-fixed convergence advanced. It will also be capable of providing a cloud infrastructure platform with high spectral efficiency and energy capable of addressing the requirements already identified to 5G networks, including mobile traffic over 1000x, data transmission speeds from 10 to 100 fold, often 10 to 100 more devices connected to the network and 5x lower latency.

  • PT Inovação 's role: developing the next generation of virtual optical CHIPs taking advantage of virtualization and centralization of its most complex functions and designing and participating in the development of high-speed design of communications technologies. Finally, the PT Inovação e Sistemas influence the standardization bodies (FSAN / ITU, HGI and BBF in order to enhance the adoption by those of CHARISMA architecture and its components.

- SELFNET ( Framework for Self-Organized network management in virtualized and software defined networks ) – project promoted by Eurescom.

  • Mission: addresses the design and implementation of an autonomous network management infrastructure, with self-organizing capabilities in network infrastructure management, sensing and automatically mitigating the most common network problems that are still manually addressed by the operational teams, thus reducing costs and improving end-user experience. The project will integrate technologies that are state of the art in the areas of SDN, NFV, SON, Cloud computing, artificial intelligence, QoE and next generation networks.

  • PT Inovação 's role: product developments of NOSSIS line. PT Inovação e Sistemas lead the Task Force 2 (WP2 - Network Management Framework) and will also have a leading role in the WP4, the performance metrics component.

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