Panel Discussion
How should the telecom industry best harness the innovation and R&D that is being undertaken around the world? What areas are most important and how can this work be brought into commercial service? Is it enough for telcos to leave the heavy lifting to their vendor partners, or should they be doing more in terms of investment, support and in-house development? Is a techco model reliant upon technology ownership? When does collaboration impede competition? And how do telcos focus on the evolving digital service requirements, rather than chasing technology advances?
Broadcast live 5 June 2024
Yago Tenorio
Fellow and Director of Network Architecture, Vodafone
Chivas Nambiar
GM, Telco Business, AWS
Dennis Hoffman
Senior Vice President and General Manager, Telecom Systems Business, Dell Technologies
Gabriela Styf Sjöman
Managing Director Research and Networks Strategy, BT Group
Mark Gilmour
Chief Technology Officer, ConnectiviTree (Europe)
Sandeep Raithatha
Head of Strategy, Innovation & 5G IoT - Market Development, VMO2 Business
Susan James
Vice President Innovation - Mobile Connectivity, American Tower