Intel Network Innovation vSummit Series

Security: Enterprise-Grade Security for Service Provider Networks Today and Tomorrow | Partner Discussion 1

Guy Daniels
By Guy Daniels

Nov 10, 2021

Release Date:
Wednesday, 10th November, 2021
Leonid Burakovsky, Senior Director of Product Management, Palo Alto Networks
Chris Cavigioli, Xeon-SP Platform & Technology Product Manager, Intel Corporation
Sab Gosal, Segment Director for Enterprise and Cloud Networking, Network Platforms Group, Intel Corporation
Guy Daniels, Director of Content, TelecomTV


With telco, energy, healthcare, and other critical infrastructure connected to 5G, how well is the industry prepared to deal with cyber threats? We must protect 5G networks and the businesses and industries that use them. In this session, Leonid Burakovsky, Senior Director, 5G Product Management from Palo Alto Networks will discuss and recommend how to mitigate different attack vectors on all 5G layers (signaling, data, applications, management). In this panel session with Intel, we’ll cover automation aspects of 5G security, best practices to use AI and ML technologies. For 5G to live up to its promise of transforming industries, companies need the confidence that 5G networks and services have enterprise-grade security today and in the future.


Leonid Burakovsky

Senior Director of Product Management, Palo Alto Networks

Leonid Burakovsky currently serves as a Senior Director of Product Management at Palo Alto Networks. Leonid pioneered and led a new area of products to strengthen 4G and 5G security. He is a co-inventor and an author of 23 granted 5G/4G security patents. Leonid initiated and led the creation of the GSMA permanent security reference document, FS.37. This document provides recommendations for Communication Service Providers to detect and prevent attacks and security threats against mobile networks, services, and applications.

Prior to this role, Leonid served as F5 Networks' Senior Director of Strategic Solutions and Juniper Networks' Alliances CTO. Leonid regularly speaks at industry forums such as IEEE, NGMN Forum, Mobile World Congress, 4G, CTIA, Futurecom, BroadbandForum, LTE NA, LTE World, LTE LATAM… to name a few.

Chris Cavigioli

Xeon-SP Platform & Technology Product Manager, Intel Corporation

Chris speaks 5 languages, and his passion is to turn future technology dreams into commercial revenue products. Intel recruited Chris in 2008 as a Strategy Planner to define leadership video, graphics, audio and web telecom requirements for Atom-based 4G/5G smartphone platforms. In 2016, Chris moved to Intel’s Data Center Group to tackle edge computing and long-term network strategy planning. Chris championed Intel’s technical innovations such as Optane™ persistent memory and wafer-scale silicon photonics for 5G, AI, networking, telecom, visual cloud and network automation markets. For several decades, Chris pushed the cutting edge of wireless telecom and multimedia innovation, connecting semiconductor products with the technopolitics of standards in 3GPP, ETSI, MPEG, ITU, WebRTC, GSMA, GCF – even serving as secretary of the ECTEL TMS trade association (Task Group for Mobile Services, European Telecommunications and Professional Electronics Industry). These decades span over 12 years at Analog Devices evangelizing digital signal processors (based in Boston), and GSM chipsets (based in Munich) pioneering 3rd party software development in India. At Synopsys, Chris launched SystemC, evangelized SoC system level design tools and ran business development for the Asia-Pacific region. Chris owned Marketing for NemeriX, a fabless startup based in Switzerland, recognized for the world’s lowest power GPS chipset. At MIPS Technologies, Chris drove IP licensing for processor cores and third-party multimedia IP engines. Chris was accepted by MIT for early admissions, earned an engineering degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts with high highest honors and completed his junior year abroad at the ETH in Zurich, Switzerland. Upon graduation, Chris moved to Washington DC to work for Linkabit Corp, a boutique defense contractor just when the founders Viterbi & Jacobs had left to launch Qualcomm.

Sab Gosal

Segment Director for Enterprise and Cloud Networking, Network Platforms Group, Intel Corporation

Sab Gosal is the Segment Director for Enterprise and Cloud Networking, bringing over 22 years of experience working in the Communications and Security industry. Prior to Intel, he was the Chief Executive Officer of Sensory Networks, a high-growth company that developed innovative deep packet inspection software technology that Intel acquired in late 2013. In earlier years, Mr. Gosal served as Vice President of Marketing at Verilink Corporation, a publicly traded leading provider of broadband access solutions. Sab has also held senior product management roles at companies that include Cisco Systems, StrataCom and Fujitsu. Mr. Gosal holds a Bachelors degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of North Wales, Bangor, UK.


Guy Daniels

Director of Content, TelecomTV

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