TelecomTV's Open RAN Summit 21 Trailer

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Open RAN is one of the most important, and contentious, topics in the telecoms industry – its impact can be seen all over the world as network operators and technology developers revamp their plans to take open, disaggregated radio access network options into account and policy-makers seek to influence the market.

In our second summit dedicated to the topic, we will focus on what needs to happen next as an increasing number of operators share their specific needs as they test, trial and deploy Open RAN systems, and technology developers react to those demands. TelecomTV's Open RAN Summit, which should be attended by mobile network operator staff, technology developers, policy-makers, and industry/standards body representatives, will dig into the economic, technical and strategic details impacting the Open RAN sector’s development and take a deep dive into specific areas of development such as the RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC).

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