May 17, 2020
On May 15, the 3GPP Project Coordination Group (PCG) has approved a new Annex in the 3GPP Working Procedures, to cover “Special procedures for exceptional situations restricting travel” and has agreed its immediate activation, to allow 3GPP to function in the absence of physical meetings.
The PCG has the responsibility of activating and deactivating this Annex.
The Annex documents which e-meetings can hold votes and how the vote will be conducted. More work is now envisaged, so that 3GPP TSG and working group elections can be held during the period where ‘Annex I’ is activated.
The full text of the decision is as follows:
PCG has today: 1. Approved "Annex I - Special procedures for exceptional situations restricting travel", for addition to the Working Procedures, as amended. The revised Working Procedures have been published here: Activated Annex I until further notice.3. Authorized the [PCG] Working Procedures Ad Hoc Group to proceed to the second phase of their work (addressing electronic elections (not allowed in the current version of the annex) and potentially other adaptions).
Contact for this article: Kevin FLYNN, Marketing and Communications Officer, 3GPP
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